Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

What is the primary purpose for the Custom House introduction?
The primary purpose for the Custom House introduction is to explain how Hawthorne came upon this journal by Surveyor Pue. It gives support to the reason for why he was where he was at that point during his life. He was the new Surveyor because he did not have a great background in politics; he was mostly known for being an author. It's interesting how a different lifestyle choice led him right back to his destiny of being a writer. Although he was contemplating on rather he should publish the journal entries and turn them into a story, it's quite clear that he made the choice of following his love interest of writing.

What significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
Hawthorne admits to changing the story a bit. He believes it will add a dramatic effect and help his writing career. He helps the story by adding intense interesting fictional parts. He feels the fictional parts will keep the audience's attention. In keeping the audience's attention it may just bring his writing fame to a whole new level.

What potential impact will this change have on the story?
This change's potential impact could change the way the reader sees the character in the original setting. In one chapter Hawthorne may switch the details of Hester's clothing just to add a dramatic effect and that could change the overall view that the reader has. That one detail may have been the only thing that links the reader with the first half of the book. Or in another sense that detail that Hawthorne switches may be the detail needed to keep the reader's attention and interest.

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