Monday, October 20, 2008

Self Reliance Lit Response

Siarra Williams
October 16, 2008
AP English III Period 11
Self Reliance Literary Response

Most people are naturally dependent on others. They even follow what psychologist like to call “social norms.” Social norms are things that you do that are considered normal by society; for example never standing too close to a stranger. People do what others do; they follow because they are too afraid to stand out. And that is exactly the author’s message in Self Reliance.
“…No kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.” In this quote the author is explaining that in order for a man to get things done right and the way that he likes, he must work for those things himself. The man has to become independent and work alone in order to achieve his goal that only he can achieve. He must realize that he can only rely on himself and should not wait on others to achieve his goals or to get things done. The author wants to get across to the reader the idea of self reliance. He wants the reader to understand that sometimes you may just need to stand alone and work hard to achieve your own mission. You can not expect what you want to just come to you; everything in life that is deserved is worked for.
“Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater.” The author uses this quote to also support his message of self reliance. He wants the reader to understand that most people are in it for themselves and so they will put their needs and interest before others. The author is comparing society to a joint-stock company as his way of saying that society as a whole thinks of what’s best for the majority and does not care about the minority or the economy. Society just benefits those with the bigger voice that can easily be heard. And by that statement I mean the upper-class non minority people get heard more often than a middle-class minority. Some may relate this idea to racism or the average cost of living for each person of these groups.
“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think.” The author also uses this quote to support his message of self reliance. He wants the reader to understand that at the end of the day you must do what concerns you, and not what other people think. Society is very judgmental of those who are unique and individualistic, those who are creative and free-thinkers. So why at the end of the day be concerned with just yourself? It is because at the end of the day it is best to be self-satisfied than the pleasing of others and miserable on the inside. Society often chooses what is best for the majority of its population and so you should do the same and choose what is best for you. Letting others think for you is not helpful to the growth of you as a person.
The author’s message of self reliance is to help the reader understand that you should rely on yourself more than those around you. Relying on yourself can help you to reach your own goals in your own time. No longer are you waiting on others to complete their task so that you may complete yours. You should also put yourself before others so that you are self-satisfied. Although this may seem backwards and mean, it is easier to help others once you have helped yourself.

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